SAPRAA (Southern African Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs Association) is a society of professionals, largely pharmacists, involved in the area of medicines regulation in South Africa. The majority of members work in the pharmaceutical industry or are pharmaceutical consultants. The society holds four general meetings per year, one of which is the annual general meeting required by the Constitution.
Mission statement:
SAPRAA is a society that caters for the interests of regulatory affairs professionals, whether they are in industry, are consultants or are employed by the government. It organizes regular meetings to support the professional development of its members, and to establish closer dialogue with the regulatory agency as represented by the Medicines Control Council and its Secretariat.
It undertakes to establish the best possible environment of dialogue and discussion on regulatory matters between all role players, in order for the tasks involved to be accomplished professionally and with proficiency.
Mission accomplished by:
- Recognizing our responsibility to address the needs of our members in all regulatory spheres
- Assessing and analyzing documentation and information relating to regulatory matters in South and Southern Africa
- Providing input to members and collating their comments on issues, legislative and technical, to help ensure that these are scientifically based, are workable and will not unduly restrict innovation of our members in their work environment
- Ensuring that SAPRAA conducts its responsibilities in an objective, honest and ethical manner so as to effectively represent member needs
- Ensuring networking and sound communication when dealing with the regulators, members and other stakeholders
- Ensuring continual professional development by prviding regular, educational workshops to our members
- Exercising an advisory role to our members with regards to technical and legislative
regulatory aspects
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